Electric fitness muscle stimulation machine
We build community with resources to be part of Business
We help businesses of any size grow and adapt to the new times by integrating a new form of training increasingly demanded around the world.
Hospitals, sports centres, entrepreneurs, physiotherapists, beauty salons, clinics and health centres, elite athletes and coaches… We address a wide range of professionals working in the field of health, medicine and aesthetics, making their business grow and adapt to the consumer habits.
Smart EMS Software:
The worldwide revolutionary EMS software. Real multi-group training to boost the trainer’s role. More time for users, less time for the machine.
[lvca_testimonials_slider slideshow_speed=”5000″ animation_speed=”600″ pause_on_hover=”true” direction_nav=”true” control_nav=”true”][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Monsport Alex tinoco” author_image=”798″]I am very satisfied with i-motion. After just 2 months, we have got 50 new clients, and all of them have proven results after training with the equipment.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Victor Melillo” author_image=”799″ credentials=”An i-motion client and the owner of the Feminina gym in Brazil”]I am very satisfied with i-motion. After just 2 months, we have got 50 new clients, and all of them have proven results after training with the equipment.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Oliver Catalan” author_image=”801″ credentials=”An official i-motion distributor in Chile”]With one and a half years of experience of working with the equipment and thus knowing it well, I can say that my experience has been absolutely satisfactory, since the equipment’s adaptability and the sense of freedom makes the final user of i-motion always feel comfortable with their training and results.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Nikiforos Pantelidis” author_image=”803″ credentials=”Gym trainer of Habitus in Greece”]I love it. It provides us with great flexibility when using it in any exercise we want. I can use it in all areas of work and with all kinds of tools. For training individually and in groups, it’s fantastic. My income has increased considerably thanks to working with i-motion.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”David Leonardo Ríos Ortíz” author_image=”805″ credentials=”Body skills Bogotá Colombia”]The most important for us is the support and the transparency around the investment. In this way, we would like to express our satisfaction as a client having contracted i-motion – for the constant assistance, accompaniment and service. It is also important to mention that the technology and advances projected by your team are at the avant-garde of the sector.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Aleksey Khomenko” author_image=”806″ credentials=”SiluetFit Studio, Moscow, Russia”]From all the wireless EMS equipment on the market, we chose i-motion because we were really impressed by the impulse quality, the really intuitive control screen and the suitable interface, all of this at a competitive price. All our clients are delighted by the equipment[/lvca_testimonial_slide][lvca_testimonial_slide animation=”None” author=”Karina Lopez & Javier Badagnani” author_image=”808″ credentials=”VIP EMS Neuquen, Argentina”]i-motion stands out thanks to its equipment and continuous innovation. It is and was a true solution on the technical side as well as the humane side. An exceptional product without a doubt. We are proud to belong to this big family.[/lvca_testimonial_slide][/lvca_testimonials_slider]