Established in the year 1992, under spiritual leadership of Mr. Sanjeev Bhatt,  We at Radico Color Me Organic are involved in setting new bench marks in the field of natural and organic herbal lifestyle. Under the visionary guidance of Founder and Director Mr. Sanjeev Bhatt, Mrs. Shagufta Satkut has taken Radico Color Me Organic Arabia as a culture and implementing it as Color Me Organic Choice of every Middle Eastern & Arabian soul.

Radico Color Me Organic has achieved new heights and established world No 1 and only organic hair color on the face of Earth, which works practically for serving humanity.

We have achieve millions of awards but Radico Color Me Organic Arabia Sponsor Mrs. Shagufta Satkut believe that our awards are the satisfaction of our family members (user of Radico Color Me Organic Arabia). With every individual support we at Radico Color Me Organic Arabia striving to create and innovate unique and extra ordinary services for the people by the people.

Main Features of Organic Hair Colour

  • Contains No harmful synthetic chemicals.
  • Blends away grays for more natural coverage.
  • Protects and nourishes hair and restores natural shine & luster.
  • It balances and nourishes the hair shaft to prevent breakage.
  • Shampoo and Conditioner are not required after rinsing hair.
  • Colour stays up to 30 days.
  • Can be used safely at home.
  • Certified Ecocert product.

Ingredients of Organic Hair Colour

Amla (Emblica Officinalis)

Coffee (Coffee Arabica)

Bhringraj (Eclipta Alba)

Henna (Lawsonia Inermis)

Hibiscus (Hibiscuz Rosa Sinensis)

Indigo (Indigofera Tinctoria)

Katha (acacia Catechu)

Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia)

Methi (trigonella Foenum-Graecum)

[lvca_tabs style=”style8″ highlight_color=”#b8e225″ mobile_width=”600″][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c78968fb1d6d” tab_title=”Awards & Recognitions”] ISO-9001, ISO-22716, ISO-14001, OHSAS – 18001, GMP Certified, HALAL Certified.

[/lvca_tab][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c789773a4c76″ tab_title=”Hair Coloring Preparations”]In order to get the best results for hair dying, wash hair thoroughly before applying the colour paste, preferably using a natural / organic shampoo. Do not use any conditioner or oils. Dry the hair with a towel. This procedure is essential for yielding the best hair colouring results. The hair should be clean and free from any conditioner and oils, gels, hairspray, or other styling products, as well residual products like conditioners.

Unlike chemically-based hair dyes, which damage and break hair, Radico Colour Me Organic Arabia Hair Colour hair naturally without damaging follicles. Note that if you have previously used chemical shampoos, conditioners, etc., you must first thoroughly clean your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove the chemicals before proceeding to use the hair dye[/lvca_tab][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c7897a75cd32″ tab_title=”Steps for Hair Coloring”]Paste Preparation

  1. Each jar of Radico Colour Me Organic Hair Colour is 100g. Determine the usage amount based on hair length.

Short Hair                          : 20g to 30g
Shoulder Length Hair     : 40g to 60g
Long Hair                           : 70g to 100g

  1. Use water that is at approximately 60゚C to 70゚C (140 ゚F to 160゚F). Use pure drinking water or distilled water for best results.
  2. Prepare a suitable container and stirring rod. (Please avoid using metal bowls or spoons during the preparation or application of the paste).
  3. Place the hair colour powder in a container. Add the hot water into the powder gradually, in small amounts. Mix well to obtain a uniform ketchup or yogurt-like consistency. If the mixture becomes too thin, add small amounts of powder to achieve the correct consistency.

Color Application

  1. After a thorough hair wash, towel dry hair and when the hair are still slightly damp, begin applying the paste from the roots along the hair length using the brush or even by hands. Make sure to cover all hair really well. Very grey or short hair is best covered by using thicker paste.
  2. After applying the paste fully and evenly, apply heat with a blow dryer for 1 to 2 minutes. Then, cover the hair with a disposable shower cap. The heat application may be repeated 2 to 3 times every 15-20 minutes without removing the shower cap. Please note that this step is optional, but highly recommended. Heat activates the organic herbs in the paste, which helps to enhance the nourishing and the colouring process.

Application Time

The colouring paste should be left on the hair for 60 to 90 minutes. (Grey hair may take longer to achieve the desired effect. For grey or white hair, the paste can be left for up to 2 hours. Because the paste is natural, it will not damage the scalp.)


  1. After completing the colouring process, rinse the hair with running water (do not use shampoo or conditioner) until the hair is clean.
  2. To achieve the best results, we recommend using colour retention shampoo/conditioner only after 24 hours. A natural and gentle colour retention shampoo/conditioner is highly recommended.
  3. DO NOT use clarifying shampoo after hair colouring (clarifying shampoo can only be used before the hair colouring to remove the hair buildups and grease. Colour retention shampoo should be used after the hair dye is applied).

[/lvca_tab][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c78a18e01835″ tab_title=”Important Points & Recommendations”]Radico Colour Me Organic is 100% chemical free so it is very important to shampoo the hair just before colour application for optimal results.

Use water at the recommended temperature 60゚C to 70゚C (140 ゚F to 160゚F). Cold water does not activate the herbs and the boiling water damages the properties of the organic herbs.

Mix the water into the colouring powder to create a paste with a ketchup or yogurt-like consistency. The paste should be neither too thick nor too thin. A thin paste may not coat the hair well. A small part of the powder may be set aside and added to thicken the consistency of the paste if necessary.

Apply the paste to the hair immediately after it is prepared.

Conserve the remaining colour powder properly with an airtight clip or in an airtight container for the next application.

For first-time users, a second application after 48 hours is recommended to attain the desired colour.

The dye colour will continue to darken over the next 4 to 5 days.

Radico Colour Me Organic is made from organic herbs and can therefore be applied as often as desired. Repeated use will enhance colour retention.

Radico Colour Me Organic Hair Colour is safe to use for permanent colour treatments, perms, hair colouring, and damaged hair. The first and second application of Radico Colour Me Organic may not provide optimal results on hair that is damaged due to chemical exposure, or hair and scalp that is unhealthy. In such cases, it may be necessary to repeat the application 3 to 4 times with a gap of at least 48 hours between each application. Chemical hair dyes often split open cuticle (protective coating in the hair shaft) and damage the hair, making the hair less receptive to natural hair colouring. In such a case, it is necessary to wash the hair with a “deep cleansing shampoo” to remove the chemicals before it can be coloured and retain the ideal colouring.

Radico Colour Me Organic is 100% natural and is made from organic ingredients only. The resulting product is more gentle on hair than harsh chemically-based hair dyes.

Radico Colour Me Organic is an organic hair and scalp treatment that acts as semi-permanent hair colouring. We highly recommend a minimum of 2 applications per month for beautiful, strong and lustrous hair.

For optimal results: please choose a hair dye colour that is similar to the colour of your natural hair colour. The hair dye result will vary according to the original hair colour, hair quality, number of white hairs, etc. prior to applying the product. Please use clarifying shampoo to remove scalp grease and residue on hair such as hair conditioner, styling products, mud, hairsprays or previously used chemical hair dye and bleached residue, etc.. The first and second applications will not achieve the full colour result; the effectiveness of the treatment becomes apparent after 3 to 5 applications. Some exceptional cases with hard and rough-textured hair may also require multiple applications before experiencing the full benefits and results. In some rare cases, the hair colouring may not be obvious due to the nature of an individual’s hair.

In rare cases, the “Soft Black” colour may create a slight purple tone when applied to grey hair. After 48 hours, the hair colour should reach the desired black tone on its own. If this does not happen, use Radico Organic Henna to obtain a black colour. (Welcome to contact the distributor for any question)

In rare cases, brown colouring applied to grey hair may produce a slightly orange tone. After 48 hours, the hair colour should reach the desired brown tone on its own. If this does not happen, use Radico Organic Indigo to obtain a brown colour. (Welcome to contact the distributor for any question)

In case of previously bleached hair, the first application may result in a slightly green tone. If this happens, a second application is recommended after 24 hours to attain the desired colour.[/lvca_tab][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c7d6d2c2619a” tab_title=”User Instructions”]

[/lvca_tab][lvca_tab tab_id=”tab-5c7d6d2c2619a” tab_title=”Frequently Asked Questions”]

نظرًا لأن المنتج مصنوع من مكونات عضوية 100٪ ، فنادراً ما تحدث تفاعلات الحساسية بعد التطبيق. ومع ذلك ، فإن بعض الأفراد الذين لديهم حساسية لأنواع معينة من النباتات أو الأعشاب يجب توخي الحذر عند استخدام المنتجات.

نعم ، يمكنك استخدام المنتج جزئيًا لصبغ بقع من الشعر الأبيض.

نعم ، المنتج مناسب لكل من الرجال والنساء ، وهناك مجموعة متنوعة من الألوان يمكن اختيارها من بينها.

سيختلف تأثير تلوين الشعر حسب لون الشعر الأصلي وجودة الشعر وعدد الشعر الأبيض وغير ذلك من الأفراد المختلفين. للحصول على أفضل نتيجة لتلوين الشعر ، يرجى اختيار لون صبغة الشعر التي تشبه لون شعرك الطبيعي.

لا ، صبغة الشعر Radico Color Me العضوية هي صبغة شعر طبيعية ، لذلك لن تلطخ بشرتك ولا فروة رأسك. ما عليك سوى غسل عجينة اللون جيدًا بالماء الجاري لإزالتها وهو آمن للاستخدام.

سوف يتلاشى لون الشعر بعد ثلاثة إلى أربعة أسابيع ، ولكن الوقت الفعلي يعتمد على جودة الشعر ومعدل نمو الشعر لكل فرد.

نظرًا لأن هذا المنتج هو صبغة شعر عضوية ، فيجب أن يظل عجينة اللون على الشعر لمدة 60 دقيقة على الأقل. كلما طالت معجون الشعر ، كان تأثير تلوين الشعر أفضل. نظرًا لأن هذا المنتج طبيعي 100٪ ومجنون فقط من المكونات العضوية ، يكون تأثير التلوين أكثر اعتدالًا من أصباغ الشعر المستندة إلى المواد الكيميائية. هذا هو جمالية فريدة من المنتجات الطبيعية والعضوية. يرجى التحلي بالصبر عند استخدامه.

نعم ، لقد تم اعتماد Radico Color Me Organic Hair Color من خلال الشهادات العضوية الدولية ، ECOCERT ، ووزارة الزراعة الأمريكية. كونه صبغة شعر طبيعية عضوية حقًا ، فهو منتج آمن وصحي تمامًا ومصدّق على أنه مصنوع بمكونات عضوية 100٪.

نعم ، لا ينصح به لأن الشامبو أو مكيفات الشعر أو أصباغ الشعر ذات الأساس الكيميائي قد تترك كمية كبيرة من المواد الكيميائية في الشعر ، وهو أمر ضار. نوصي بالشامبو مع "توضيح شامبو التطهير العميق" قبل التطبيق الأول.

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2.5 based on 2 votes
Brand Name
Colour Me Organic Arabia
Product Name
Colour Me Organic Hair
USD 24
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