Mehad Emotion Fitness (Canada, Europe, Asia & Middle East) solution provider company which passionately believe in all for one and one for all a Joint venture to serve humanity, our initiation is to bring all aspect of humanity into awareness of humanity striving journey solutions for longevity and prevent chronic diseases in 2010 when Mr M. Nizam mother passed away by cancer it was turning point in search of the reality of human health.
Started sharing awareness/education of implementing healthy and organic lifestyle within friends & family, by the end of 2018, our objective and vision were accomplished of serving humanity with help and support by Mr Sanjeev Bhatt founder of Colour Me Organic, initially, Mrs Shagufta Satkut sister of M. Nizam started selling Colour Me organic hair product in Kuwait and showed interest of expanding in the Middle East, Under the guidance of Mr Sanjeev supported handed responsibility to Mrs Shagufta of the Middle East & Arabic peninsula in which Mrs Shagufta & Mr M. Nizam expanded Colour me organic in Qatar, Jordan, Dubai, Tunis most of the Arab countries are now under Mrs Shagufta Satkut and Mrs Hajar M. Nizam.
Colour Me Organic Arabia Hair colour shades to enjoy lustrous healthy hair by using Colour Me Organic Arabia, scientifically proven that Colour Me Organic is food for healthy and natural hair, whereas chemical hair dye damage scalp destroys the hair and very dangerous for health chemical intake from the scalp can increase the chance of chronic diseases, be organic and avoid taking using chemical products.
Mr M. Nizam supported Mr Shagufta for Colour Me Organic in the Middle East and started I-motion EMS distributor for Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan and during this phase, Mr M.Nizam did lots of research practicality of preventing chronic diseases and re-established the technology which is based on creator manual of human creation. December 2019 launched Emotion Health Transformation consist of 3 pillars which can prevent chronic diseases.
Emotion Health Transformations
Yashfeen Pulsation a device based on the creator manual of human creation which works in line with (Maintain Ultimate Balance in Neuron Organ Therapy) and Spirituality 3rd Dimension of Human creation other than body & Soul.
Emotion Health Transformation works on every cell maintaining body Alkaline, perfect health and longevity by following the process of human creation.
Off-Road Prerunner Our PreRunners are unique, we believe with a healthy life it is important also to have adventure part of life, to enjoy the earthy mountains and doons of Arabian Peninsula we creator fully modified and updated desserts ride, feel the passion in adventures emotional journey in our off-road prerunner.
Join our community and serve humanity become part of Emotion health Transformation which creates peace within and emotions which surface on the soul is One for all and All for one.
Our Expansion
Partners & investments
Mehad Middle East
Emotion Fitness Canada
Emotion Fitness Espania
Emotion Fitness Bangladesh
Mama Organic (all products of Mehad Middle East) Emotion Fitness Canada
Mehad Emotion Fitness Emirates
Our Investment & Royalty of our Brand Mehad
Mehad Doha – (only Colour Me organic Arabia)
Mehad Emotion Fitness Katara – Partnership
Formation of Mehad Katara Organic – in Joint Venture with Rootz Organic (Kuwait, Jordan & Qatar)
Mehad Jordan (All products of Mehad Middle East) Emotion Fitness & Colour Me Organic
Continuously modernize our methodology of Health Transformation and avoid chronic diseases, by working inline with Yashfeen Voltaic Muscle Pulsation and enjoy moments of life with Rainbow of 24 shades made Colour Me Organic Arabia a hair colour which bring colourful life and emotions of adventures earthy mountains and doons of Arabian Peninsula. We are culture presence in every soul as One for all and all for One.
Founded since the birth of humanity & presence in every human soul, We as culture believe in serving humanity inline with human creation, following the manual of creator by connecting every single soul to the reality of it’s creation in mother womb (Amniotic fluid 98-99% water and bio electricity ambalicord connect to mother heart) Yashfeen Pulsation and Radico Color Me Organic Arabia 100% Organic and natural.
Our history is since birth of Humanity as we are concerned of feelings and imotion but started in 1996 orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium iste necessitatibus velit eum quis, dignissimos modi atque libero magni, explicabo nihil illo soluta accusantium suscipit, nobis maiores deleniti mollitia, quod id nam assumenda ducimus.
Company formed
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Suspendisse tincidunt nibh.
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Awards and 300 empolyees
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